Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Post #14 Form B

“Fenris the Feared turned slowly to the high table, raising his great tattooed fist, opening his chasm of a mouth, a hideous spasm running over his face. ‘Angland!’ he screamed, louder and more terrible by far than the Lord Chamberlain had ever been. The echoes of his voice bounced off the domed ceiling high above, resounded from the curved walls, filling the great space with piercing sound.” (140)
This quote gives a very terrifying image of this thing-ish person. It gives a distinctive image of what Fenris looks like, acts like, sounds like, etc. You already are glad that you aren’t at the scene right now. I find that the author does a great job at describing this scene. He doesn’t force a specific image into your head, but rather, he give the basic outline for the character and you create the rest of the image based on what each individual person would feel was more fearsome. Personally, I think this is an excellent display of the skill of this author, and I think that more parts like these give the book more potential to be decent to people who don’t read this genre very often. Hopefully, this book will seem more worth it to have read after some time has passed and I begin to forget the … gory parts.

Post #13 Form A

Vocab (all definitions are from dictionary.com)
Gall (105): impudence; effrontery, bile, something bitter or severe.

Intoned (106): to utter with a particular tone or voice modulation, to give tone or variety of tone to; vocalize.
Figurative Language
"crash to the floor with a sound like a cupboard full of saucepans." (103) A simile because it is comparing the sound to a cupboard full of saucepans.
"creaking" (118) is onomatopoeia because it represents a sound.
"patter" (141) is onomatopoeia because it too represents a sound.
"Hard words are for fools and cowards. Calder might have been both, but Logen was neither. If you mean to kill, you're better getting right to it than talking about it.. Talk only makes the other man ready, and that's the last thing you want." (101)
This quote is significant because it shows a realistic approach to fighting rather than the kind you tend to see in movies and such.
There are many types of people in the world; know who you can beat and who you can't.