Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Post #9 Form A

Vocab (all definitions from dictionary.com)
Gormless (74): Lacking intelligence and vitality; dull.
Fronds (74): The leaf of a fern or a large compound leaf of a palm.
Figurative Language
On page 82 the author compares people in a hallway to ants on a dunghill. This is a simile because he uses the word like to compare the two objects.
On page 85 the author compares the country to a leaking vessel. This is a metaphor because he compares the two things without using like or as.
On page 86 it says that "noblemen can line their pockets with bribes," which is figurative language because pockets can't really be lined with bribes.
'"Some may be loyal, some are definitely not, each intent on pulling the King his own way." How frustrating, when I suppose they should all be pulling him in yours?' (85). This quote is significant because it well represents the point in this book that everyone has a facade of some sort and just want what's best for themselves.

I'll differ from my norm and say that another theme I've found in this book is that no one is truly all 'good', we all have some bad within us. (some more than others)

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