Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Post #1 Form A

Vocab (all definitions were found at dictionary.com)
Blithely (16): without thought or regard; carefree; heedless
Lolled (24): To move, stand, or recline in an indolent or relaxed manner.
Figurative Language
In the book one of the characters is a torture/inquisitor and he threatens a man and fears the same threat only a few pages later. To me this is an instance of irony because it is a flip around of what it was before.
When the author is describing Glokta's walk he uses the words 'click' and 'tap' which are onomatopoeia because they sound like the sound the are representing.
"The river hissed away far below, fast and angry, foaming white water fringed by jagged black stone." (8) This sentence has an example of personification because a river can't really be angry.
"Will they find me in the canal tomorrow? Dead and bloated, far... far beyond recognition? The only emotion that he felt at the idea was a flutter of mild relief. No more stairs." (25)
This quote is significant because it gives some idea as to what this man's life was like. Pain filled and merciless. That was his life and the only thought he had when faced with death was that he wouldn't have to deal with stairs anymore.
Thus far the emerging theme seems to be: life is hard; deal with it.

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