Monday, November 19, 2007

Post #3 Form A

Vocab (all definitions found at
Eminence (31): high station, rank, or repute
Magus (37): a magician, sorcerer, or astrologer
Figurative Language
On page 39 the author uses the word 'clacked' which is an onomatopoeia word representing the sound it is used to signify.
"darting like a snake!" (43) is an example of a simile. It uses like or as to connect two unlike things.
The author uses the word 'yow' on page 43 which is a onomatopoeia word.
"'Until then, clean living is what we need. Do you understand me, Captain Luthar?' He leaned down further, pronouncing every word with great care. 'Clean. Living. Captain.' 'Yes, Marshal Varuz,' mumbled Jezal. Six hours later he was drunker than shit." (48)
This quote is important because it gives valuable insight to what the wealthy and powerful chose to do in the setting of this book. It is a fair example of the corruptness and money-driven attitudes of every high ranking official this book has introduced thus far.
I shall stick to my previous theme: life is hard; deal with it.


Gloria F. said...
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Gloria F. said...

It's too much!!
How are you?