Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Post #11 Form A

Vocab (all definitions are from dictionary.com)
Lichen (94): any complex organism of the group Lichenes, composed of a fungus in symbiotic union with an alga and having a greenish, gray, yellow, brown, or blackish thallus that grows in leaflike, crustlike, or branching forms on rocks, trees, etc.
Rheumy (96): pertaining to, causing, full of, or affected with rheum (A watery or thin mucous discharge from the eyes or nose.)
Figurative Language

Page 91 ‘calm waters’ waters can not actually be calm. Personification.
Page 91 ‘patter’ onomatopoeia.
Page 93 “The apprentice didn’t even move, just hung there like a sack of wet rags” Is a Simile because it is comparing the apprentice to a sack of wet rags using the word like.
Page 93 “First they fell to the back, then they fell behind, then they fell over.” Significant because it shows how tough the lives of the people were and how people did die and there wasn’t a whole lot someone could do about it.
A theme I found in this portion of the book is "courtesy should be answered with courtesy" (99)

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