Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Post #7 Form A

Vocab (all definitions are from dictionary.com)
Gorse (59): any spiny shrub of the genus Ulex, of the legume family, native to the Old World, esp. U. europaeus, having rudimentary leaves and yellow flowers and growing in waste places and sandy soil.
Bout (65): a contest or trial of strength; period; session; spell; a going and returning across a field, as in mowing or reaping.
Figurative Language
"ooof" (64) is onomatopoeia because it represents the sound it stands for.
"They say Bremer dan Gorst has a back leg like a pillar of steel." (65) is a simile when they compare the leg to a pillar of steel using the world like.
'squeak' on page 73 is onomatopoeia because it represents the sound it stands for.
"Mildly offensive to my brother, which is good. Somewhat amusing, which is also good. Honest, which is refreshing, and wildly complimentary to me, which, of course, is excellent. A little late, but on the whole worth waiting for." (71)
This is kind of random for the book to put in but I thought it was significant because it adds a little humor which breaks up the bloody gory parts of the book well. It makes The Blade Itself at least bearable to read if you aren't used to this type of story.
I'm sorry if I seem unimaginative however, I still prefer my original theme-Life is hard; deal with it.

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