Monday, March 3, 2008

Post #7 Form A

barite (54): a common mineral, barium sulfate, BaSO4, occurring in white, yellow, or colorless tabular crystals: the principal ore of barium.
tobogganing (54): the noun form of the word is toboggan: A long, narrow, runnerless sled constructed of thin boards curled upward at the front end.
Figurative Language
"Dad said you could read my face like a traffic light." (54)
This is a simile because it is comparing her face to a traffic light using the word 'like'.
"Off to one side was a room with rows of slot machines that were constantly clinking and ticking and flashing lights." (55)
This uses onomatopoeia through the words 'clinking' and 'ticking' which are words that represent a sound.
"Where I tossed in the match, a cone of flame shot up with a whoosh like a jet after burner." (61)
This sentence uses both onomatopoeia with the word 'whoosh' and simile when comparing the 'flame shooting up' to 'a jet after burner' using the word 'like'.
" I thought Dad would be furious, but he wasn't. He was sort of quiet. We stood on the street watching the flames devour the shack. Dad had an arm around each of us." (61)
This quote is significant because it shows how even her dad, the father she looked up to, could be shaken up.
It's good to get out in the world, to live in it, but it's also good to be wary of it.

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