Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Post #9 Form A


raucous (71): harsh; strident; grating; rowdy; disorderly
cajoled (95): to persuade by flattery or promises; wheedle; coax.
Figurative Language
"The way she saw it, glasses were like crutches." (96)
This is a simile comparing glasses and crutches using the word like.
"...making the entire machine dance around on the cement patio."(100)
This is personification because a machine doesn't really 'dance'.
"plopped" (104)
This is onomatopoeia because it is a word which represents the sound it sound like.
"After inspecting the house, Dad decided that the termite infestation was so severe nothing could be done about it. We'd have to coexist with the critters. So we walked around the hole in the living room floor." (101)
This is significant because this quote represents the Walls' family's way of life. When you must, you deal with what life hands you and make the best out of it.
Sometimes, even the worst situations can be a blessing in disguise.

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