Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Post # 12 Form B

“Bethod’s second son turned his contempt on the First of the Magi. ‘My father will be displeased, Bayaz! That my men must wait outside the gate shows little respect!’
‘But I have so little, Prince Calder,’ said the wizard calmly. ‘Please don’t be downhearted, though. Your last messenger wasn’t allowed over the bridge, so you see we’re making progress.”’ (101)
This quotes shows that there is an order to this society. There is a hierarchy and assumed respect. This quote gives some insight to that order and the rest of the page continues to develop the order of things. It is clear that a lot of thought was put into how this society should be implemented. The chapter continues on to have Bayaz talk about how he would follow no one’s orders but on man whom is dead. He also says that he would much rather have the father come to talk to him in person rather than the son or messenger. He also refers to following the older traditions which shows a change over time in this society as it becomes more and more advanced. The ways of old are dwindling just as in our society today. All in all this portion of the book show a clear development of the world in which the charters live in and makes apparent the similarities and differences between this fictional world and the world in which you and I live.

Post #11 Form A

Vocab (all definitions are from dictionary.com)
Lichen (94): any complex organism of the group Lichenes, composed of a fungus in symbiotic union with an alga and having a greenish, gray, yellow, brown, or blackish thallus that grows in leaflike, crustlike, or branching forms on rocks, trees, etc.
Rheumy (96): pertaining to, causing, full of, or affected with rheum (A watery or thin mucous discharge from the eyes or nose.)
Figurative Language

Page 91 ‘calm waters’ waters can not actually be calm. Personification.
Page 91 ‘patter’ onomatopoeia.
Page 93 “The apprentice didn’t even move, just hung there like a sack of wet rags” Is a Simile because it is comparing the apprentice to a sack of wet rags using the word like.
Page 93 “First they fell to the back, then they fell behind, then they fell over.” Significant because it shows how tough the lives of the people were and how people did die and there wasn’t a whole lot someone could do about it.
A theme I found in this portion of the book is "courtesy should be answered with courtesy" (99)

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Post #10 Form B

‘“Porridge and honey, better than money, everything’s funny, with porridge and honey!’
‘It’s a rhym for children. My mother used to sing it to me. Never actually got me to eat this slop though. But now,’ and he dug the spoon in, ‘I can’t get enough of it.’
‘Healthy,’ said Glokta, forcing down a mouthful of sweet mush and spooning up another, ‘delicious,’ choking down some more, ‘and here’s the real clincher.’ He gagged slightly on the next swallow, ‘no chewing required.’” (81)
This quote is interesting because it gives some sarcastic insight as to what Glokta’s life is like. The difficulty he has with just the things the average person takes for granted, to the things some have difficulty with which he takes for granted. The author uses a unique way of displaying a character with a way of life most would never wish to have and making the character someone whom you, as a reader, can relate to. I have found that I have warmed up the Glokta and even find his sarcasm amusing, at times. Every chapter gives the reader more and more insight as to what Glokta’s life was like before he was captured and crippled. One might even go so far as to say he might have been pleasant to be around when he was younger. Crazy thought for someone who is now a torturer. Yet, somehow it works out that way.

Post #9 Form A

Vocab (all definitions from dictionary.com)
Gormless (74): Lacking intelligence and vitality; dull.
Fronds (74): The leaf of a fern or a large compound leaf of a palm.
Figurative Language
On page 82 the author compares people in a hallway to ants on a dunghill. This is a simile because he uses the word like to compare the two objects.
On page 85 the author compares the country to a leaking vessel. This is a metaphor because he compares the two things without using like or as.
On page 86 it says that "noblemen can line their pockets with bribes," which is figurative language because pockets can't really be lined with bribes.
'"Some may be loyal, some are definitely not, each intent on pulling the King his own way." How frustrating, when I suppose they should all be pulling him in yours?' (85). This quote is significant because it well represents the point in this book that everyone has a facade of some sort and just want what's best for themselves.

I'll differ from my norm and say that another theme I've found in this book is that no one is truly all 'good', we all have some bad within us. (some more than others)

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Post #8 Form B

Dear Joe Abercrombie author of the book The Blade Itself,
Having started reading your book it occurred to me that you use a lot of description for certain aspects of the story such as the fencing matches. Do you fence? If not, did you do a lot of research in order to learn enough about the topic to write about it in such detail? In fact, all of you fighting scenes are quite thoroughly written. Did you just kind of make it up as to how you envisioned it or did you do research? I ask this because I really like the practicality of your fight scenes. They aren’t embellished or made too simple. They are how one would think a fight would be in the real world. If we still fought with swords that is…
Also, much of this story seems to be modeled off of medieval times. (as many fantasy stories are) Was this something you studied as well? Or was it based off of prior knowledge? I don’t really know why but it seems to me, from reading the book, that you must have researched these topics. They seem too precise to just be made up or based off of prior knowledge. Anyway, I hope the book continues to impress me with it’s quality.
A content reader,

Post #7 Form A

Vocab (all definitions are from dictionary.com)
Gorse (59): any spiny shrub of the genus Ulex, of the legume family, native to the Old World, esp. U. europaeus, having rudimentary leaves and yellow flowers and growing in waste places and sandy soil.
Bout (65): a contest or trial of strength; period; session; spell; a going and returning across a field, as in mowing or reaping.
Figurative Language
"ooof" (64) is onomatopoeia because it represents the sound it stands for.
"They say Bremer dan Gorst has a back leg like a pillar of steel." (65) is a simile when they compare the leg to a pillar of steel using the world like.
'squeak' on page 73 is onomatopoeia because it represents the sound it stands for.
"Mildly offensive to my brother, which is good. Somewhat amusing, which is also good. Honest, which is refreshing, and wildly complimentary to me, which, of course, is excellent. A little late, but on the whole worth waiting for." (71)
This is kind of random for the book to put in but I thought it was significant because it adds a little humor which breaks up the bloody gory parts of the book well. It makes The Blade Itself at least bearable to read if you aren't used to this type of story.
I'm sorry if I seem unimaginative however, I still prefer my original theme-Life is hard; deal with it.

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

On the Waterfront Review

Overall I found the film, On the Waterfront by Elia Kazan, to be decent. It wasn’t a movie I would watch again however, I don’t think of the time I spent watching it to be a waste either. I did think that the film was effective in providing a strong statement. At the end of the movie you had the feeling of ‘wow, Terry really did something powerful’. Despite having some overly dramatic scenes, mostly centering on the relationship between Terry Malloy (Marlon Brando) and Edie Doyle (Eva Marie Saint), and annoying characters (Edie), the film really left an impressive sentiment. Again, On the Waterfront wasn’t stellar, but if you are looking for a way to kill a couple hours of boredom it might be a good way to do so.
If you do choose to watch the film you might realize some very intriguing literary aspects. The setting of the movie is a large city in a cold climate. This setting highlights the callousness of the people’s surroundings. In addition to the setting there is a lot of symbolism. In the movie there is a recurring emphasis on birds; pigeons, hawks, and canaries. The pigeons represent the common person. They are average creatures. Some are better than others, but none are truly outstanding and they are always fearful of the hawk. The hawks represent the fierce, unbeatable mob. The third bird is the canary. The canary is the light in darkness, the leader of good, the thing that takes down evil. Terry is comparable to the canary. He himself says to the cops who are supposed to protect him, “Trailing me like that, you make me feel like a canary.” Terry is the one who turns the tide against the mob and leads to the mob’s downfall. Despite Terry’s reluctance to help in the end he does. Which leads me to my next literary aspect, theme. The theme of this film is that you should follow your morals and stand up for what you know is right even if the world around you isn’t following suit.
The world around Terry consists of many other characters including Father Berry (Karl Malden), Edie Doyle (Eva Marie Saint), and Johnny Friendly (Lee J. Cobb). I found Malden’s portrayal of Father Berry to be very well done. Throughout the entire film I never once felt as though Father Berry didn’t seem like Father Berry. Malden’s interpretation made you believe he was a good man with strong opinions and a strong heart to match. In contrast, I found Eva Marie Saint to be very annoying. I was never really certain what role Edie was supposed to be in the film. Was she a strength? A weakness? Was she helping Terry? Hindering him? I never could figure her out. On the other hand, someone who was very easy to figure out was Lee Cobb, as Johnny Friendly. The moment you saw Cobb you knew he was the bad guy. His actions, his speech, and even his clothing made him the dire enemy of the union. Speaking of clothing, the costume choices for the movie made it really easy to tell who was well off and who wasn’t. The mobsters had nice coats which weren’t damaged at all while the union workers had bedraggled clothing. Also, the clothing was made for cold weather and left a definite impression of the harshness of the environment the people faced.
This harsh environment was in stark contrast to the music playing. Every song had a big band feel and left you wondering if the actors were going to break out into dance. The music was interesting but I’m not sure how well it fit to the story of the film. Also, the majority of the shots were long. These shots made the story seem to drag out. I really felt that constantly long shots really took away from the film as a whole. However, when there was editing the film was very engaging. The editing helped to build up drama and emphasize certain scenes.
I found that On the Waterfront and All My Sons were quite similar. In both works there is the dilemma of choosing between looking out for yourself and looking out for others. In All My Sons, Joe has to decide whether to sell the faulty parts and risk the pilots’ well being or not sell them and risk his family’s well being. In On the Waterfront, Terry has to decide whether to be a whistleblower on the mob and risk his family’s (himself and his brother) lives or to not tell the truth and continue to allow the mob to cause the union workers to suffer. The major difference is that Joe decides to put his family first while Terry decides to put the union workers first. This of course, as stories tend to go, leads to Joe’s demise and Terry being a hero. How classic.
As I said in the beginning of this review I, personally, wouldn’t watch On the Waterfront more than once. However, it is a decent film and could be a good way to entertain yourself for a couple of hours. The actors, for the most part, are impressive at portraying their characters and the movie has a lot of very interesting symbolism which makes you think more than the movie itself does. Therefore, on the whole, I would give this movie 7 out of ten and say it wouldn’t be a bad way to spend a Friday night.

Works Cited
On the Waterfront. Dir. Elia Kazan. Perf. Marlon Brando, Karl Malden, Lee J. Cobb, Rod Steiger, Eve Marie Saint, John Hamilton, Leif Erikson, and Pat Henning.

Post #6 Form B

‘“Wait!” screamed the prisoner.
Bang! The heavy blade bit deep into the table top, neatly paring off Teufel’s middle fingernail. He was breathing fast now, and there was a sheen of sweat on his forehead[…]
“You couldn’t.”
Bang! The cleaver took off the very tip of Teufel’s middle finger. Blood bubbled out on to the table top. Severard’s eyes were smiling in the lamp light. Teufel’s jaw dropped. But the pain will be a while coming. “Confess!” bellowed Glokta.
Bang! The cleaver took off the top of Teufel’s ring finger, and a little disc out of his middle finger which rolled a short way and dropped off onto the floor.’ (55)
How creepy! It’s one thing to read that someone was tortured but an entirely different thing to actually read about it in detail. This book is far more gruesome than anything I usually read. The way the author uses his words makes it seem real and that is even scarier. However disgusting this portion might be, it does give insight to what life is like for Glokta. I couldn’t imagine doing something like that for a living. How terrible it must be to constantly cause others to suffer by your hands. What got me the most though was when the author talked about the pieces of flesh rolling across the floor and flying into the air. Ugh…

Post # 5 Form A

Vocab (all definitions are from dictionary.com)
Briar (56): a prickly plant or shrub, esp. the sweetbrier or a greenbrier.
Auspicious (58): promising success; propitious; opportune; favorable; fortune
Figurative Language
'Bang!' on page 55 is onomatopoeia because it represents the sound it stands for.
'Frost's face was carved from marble' on page 55 is a metaphor because Frost's face isn't really carved from marble it just looks like it.
Page 55 again (it was a gold mine for these things) has 'tap, tap, tap' which is, again, onomatopoeia because it represents the sound it stands for. In this case-blood dripping.
"He looked mostly hungry, cold, and ill. He looked something like Logen felt, in fact." (57)
This is segnificant because it show how the average traveller felt and was is a good indicator of what the setting of this book is like. It's a hard life and doesn't give way to many pleasures.
This is the third week in a row however I do think my first week pretty much nailed the theme of this book. Life is hard; deal with it.

Monday, November 19, 2007

Post #4 Form B

This… is a weird book. The genre is definitely not one I am used to. The bloody gory is kind of bearable but the overall attitude of the characters is hard to connect to. So far the book has introduced three of the four main characters. The first was Logen. He is hard to connect with because he is constantly fighting to survive and I must admit I have never really had the experience of fighting (literally) for life. Though so far only two chapters have been about Logen, in both of these chapters, pages 7-15 and 32-38, he is killing human/lizard like creatures in order to survive. The second character introduced is named Glokta. Glokta is a torturer. He tortures people. Not someone who you just immediately connect with. Besides being a torturer he is old and, because of an injury when he was younger, crippled. Again, not something I have experienced or could really have a full understanding of. The most recent character is named Jazel. He is introduced as a man who drinks and gambles to pass the time (pages 39-42). He is also apparently a rich captain who is fairly pathetic when it comes to physical prowess. Despite not bonding with any of the characters the book is fairly decent and it has been interesting seeing the various walks of life people, is this fantasy land, have. Also, I must say that I find myself feeling the same way as I did with my quarter 1 book, I’m glad I don’t live in this book. ^^

Post #3 Form A

Vocab (all definitions found at dictionary.com)
Eminence (31): high station, rank, or repute
Magus (37): a magician, sorcerer, or astrologer
Figurative Language
On page 39 the author uses the word 'clacked' which is an onomatopoeia word representing the sound it is used to signify.
"darting like a snake!" (43) is an example of a simile. It uses like or as to connect two unlike things.
The author uses the word 'yow' on page 43 which is a onomatopoeia word.
"'Until then, clean living is what we need. Do you understand me, Captain Luthar?' He leaned down further, pronouncing every word with great care. 'Clean. Living. Captain.' 'Yes, Marshal Varuz,' mumbled Jezal. Six hours later he was drunker than shit." (48)
This quote is important because it gives valuable insight to what the wealthy and powerful chose to do in the setting of this book. It is a fair example of the corruptness and money-driven attitudes of every high ranking official this book has introduced thus far.
I shall stick to my previous theme: life is hard; deal with it.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Post #2 Form B

The book The Blade Itself is not necessarily a book that fits into the outline for a book. For one, the book has four main characters instead of one. Thus far I have only read about two of them. One is a barbarian who is fighting to survive and killed multiple people in the first ten pages. The second is a torturer/inquisitor. He, well, tortures people for information. Neither of these people are what one would consider ‘good’. This leads me to my next point. So far there has been NO protagonist. None. Zip. Zero. Nada. But other than this odd classification the book is pretty good. It has been well written and the author uses a lot of description when he is explaining how people are acting or the environment of the scene. “The gorge was deep. Very deep with sheer, rocky sides. Here and there a tree clung to a crack, growing out into the empty air and spreading its leaves into space. The river hissed away far below, fast and angry, foaming white water fringed by jagged black stone.” (8) This passage is an example of the description the author uses. It paints a vivid picture in the mind of the reader and gives off a definite mood to the scene. Thus, overall the book is pretty decent despite being very blood gory.

Post #1 Form A

Vocab (all definitions were found at dictionary.com)
Blithely (16): without thought or regard; carefree; heedless
Lolled (24): To move, stand, or recline in an indolent or relaxed manner.
Figurative Language
In the book one of the characters is a torture/inquisitor and he threatens a man and fears the same threat only a few pages later. To me this is an instance of irony because it is a flip around of what it was before.
When the author is describing Glokta's walk he uses the words 'click' and 'tap' which are onomatopoeia because they sound like the sound the are representing.
"The river hissed away far below, fast and angry, foaming white water fringed by jagged black stone." (8) This sentence has an example of personification because a river can't really be angry.
"Will they find me in the canal tomorrow? Dead and bloated, far... far beyond recognition? The only emotion that he felt at the idea was a flutter of mild relief. No more stairs." (25)
This quote is significant because it gives some idea as to what this man's life was like. Pain filled and merciless. That was his life and the only thought he had when faced with death was that he wouldn't have to deal with stairs anymore.
Thus far the emerging theme seems to be: life is hard; deal with it.

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Back to Blogging

Well. Looks like we are back to having to blog. This quarter my book is called The Blade Itself. It seems pretty bloody gory so far so I will have to see if I can deal with it.

Wednesday, October 24, 2007


Yay! We're done! We're free! Take that blogging! Well, for now at least...

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Post #10 Form B

This part of Wild Swans was intertwined with moral decisions. People in the Communist Party, like Jung’s mother, were constantly forced to make very tough moral choices. On page 216, Jung’s mother is faced with the dilemma of deciding who, within her district, should be labeled as a ‘rightist’. This term basically meant that you were believed to be acting against the Communist Party and therefore would be sacked, made an outcast, send your family’s future down the drain, and be forced into manual labor. According to Mao, the Communist leader of China, 5 percent of ‘intellectuals’ were rightists. “Intellectuals’ were people who were literate. These people did not include the majority of the population but did consist of doctors, nurses, students, actors, engineers, technicians, writers, teachers, and scientists. Following the math Mao laid out, Jung’s mother’s district was supposed to have over a hundred rightists and she had to decide who they were. If she didn’t meet her quota she would be labeled a rightist herself and her entire family would be ruined. I couldn’t imagine being responsible for deciding whose livelihoods were more important, your husband’s, children’s, mother’s, and other distant relatives’, or the one hundred plus people’s who you were in charge of. Who would you feel more held more of your obligation?

Post #9 Form A

Vocab (all definitions are from www.dictionary.com)
stipulated (193): to make an express demand or arrangement as a condition of agreement
adroitly (217): expert or nimble in the use of the hands or body; cleverly skillful, resourceful, or ingenious
On page 178 Jung describes her grandmother's nervous breakdown in dealing with Jung's father about Jung's grandfather's funeral arrangements. This appeals to the reader emotionally because it connects with your sense of sympathy.
"But after 1955 family origins became increasingly important. As the years went by and Mao launched one witch-hunt after another, the number of victims snowballed, and each victim brought down many others, including, first and foremost, his or her immediate family." (207)
This is a logical appeal because it is very factual but the author's word choice gives the idea that this act was wrong and you connect more with the book due to this piece.
"One day, when she ventured some critical comments about the situation and got no response from him, she said bitterly, 'You are a good Communist, but a rotten husband!' My father nodded. He said he knew." (219)
This is an emotional appeal. It has a bit of humor to it, nearly the only humor in the entire book, which rings close to home for a lot of people.
""toilet rightists" (ce-suo you-pai), people who found they had been nominated in their absence after they could not restrain themselves from going to the toilet during the many long, drawn-out meetings. There were also rightists who were said to "have poison but not released it" (you-du bu-fang); these were people who were named as rightists without having said anything against anyone." (218)
This quote describes some of the extremes that went on in order to call people rightists (not a positive thing to be called; often lead to having your job taken away and being forced to do manual labor) so as to fill their quota or fulfill their own personal vendettas.
This portion of the book talks a lot about morals and where the line is or isn't drawn. It has an air of being wronged but not able to really find enough reason to fight back.

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Post # 8 Form B

I have to wonder what Jung’s mother was thinking about the Communist Party as it changed over the time she was serving in it. At first it seemed so much more liberating than anything Manchuria had experienced thus far, but throughout this portion of the book it becomes clear that the Communist Party isn’t what the people had dreamed. There were people who were devout to the system, like Jung’s father, but there were also people who found it restrictive. On page 171 Jung’s mother is glared at by her peers and comrades just because she wears some color under her work clothes. The conformity of the Communist society was really quite suffocating to some people and one must wonder just how much more ‘liberating’ this new government was. Jung’s mother is constantly feeling slighted by the always increasing rules instated by the Communist Party. She nearly dies multiple times and if she had even tried to do better for herself the society would have ridiculed her and called on her for such violations of the rules. Even after she has a miscarriage people around her still blame her for being weak and bourgeois. To her it always seems as though people are out to prove her disloyal and unfit to be a member of the party. She constantly refers to her doubts about the Party and always seems torn between her own beliefs of what the Party was supposed to be and what it has become.

Post #7 Form A

Vocab (all definitions are from http://www.dictionary.com/)
rococo (141): a style of architecture and decoration, originating in France about 1720, evolved from Baroque types and distinguished by its elegant refinement in using different materials for a delicate overall effect and by its ornament of shellwork, foliage, etc.
rattan (149): any of various climbing palms of the genus Calamus or allied genera.
Everyone feels as though they are not understood sometimes. Jung draws from this in an emotional appeal on page 141 when she writes about the mother's desire to be more understood by her husband. She feels like he doesn't put her well being above his work.
"She walked all the way back to the barracks in excruciating pain. [...] Everybody except the guards had gone to the opera. She managed to drag herself to her bed, and by the light of the lamp she saw that her trousers were soaked with blood. She fainted as soon as her head hit the bed. She had lost her first child. An there was nobody near her." (145-146)
This appeals to the reader emotionally through sympathy. You feel bad for her because she is alone, in a LOT of pain, and going through a terrible experience. It really pulls at your heartstrings.
"My mother was staggered, almost awestruck, at this defiance. As expected, there were plenty of disapproving glances. But Mrs. Ting held her chin up: 'Who cares?' she said to my mother. My mother was tremendously relieved; with the sanction of her boss, she could ignore any criticisms, verbal or wordless." (171)
It's always easier to get by in life if someone is on your side. Especially if you are going against the 'norm'. This passage appeals to the reader emotionally because you can really understand how she feels and have most likely been in a similar situation.
"My mother understood the theory, but that did not stop her thinking about the fact that my father was giving her no sympathy while she was sick and exhausted the whole time, trudging along, carrying her bedroll, sweating, vomiting, her legs like lead." (143)
This quote shows how difficult her life was and the resentment she felt. It is significant because a similar theme reappears multiple times after this. She is always feeling as though her husband doesn't care enough for her and always seems to be forced to endure extreme hardships.
The theme of this portion of the book seems to lean more towards the importance of pulling through hardships and enjoying the little things as much as possible.

Monday, October 15, 2007

400 Blows

400 Blows Literature Review

Overall I found the film, 400 Blows by François Truffaut, to be so-so. It had some very interesting qualities, such as the general overview of Antoine’s life, but it also had some aspects which were not my favorite, such as the last scene and how every little thing was blown out of proportion. However, I do think the film is fairly good at getting the point across. You can tell that the director specifically choose to do each scene a certain way so as to express the ideas behind them. So on the whole the film did what it was made to do but wasn’t necessarily my forte.

In the film we follow a few months in the life of a small boy called Antoine Doinel. He starts off seemingly innocent. Then things go bad for him when he is caught with a picture in class. Then they go worse over and over and over again; until his parents wind up sending him to a Delinquent Center. It ends with him standing on beach after having run away from the Center. Nearly the entire film is from Antoine’s point of view and the viewer really gets a feel of what his life was like as a child living in Paris during the 1940s. The movie seems to revolve the idea that your environment shapes who you become and how you act as much as your personality does. This is made more apparent when Antoine is in a psychology session at the Juvenile Delinquent Observation Center and is talking about his life prior to what the viewer sees during the film.

For this work the lighting played a huge role in giving more depth to the film. It was quite obvious which places Antoine enjoyed being and which places he loathed based on how much light was in each scene. This lighting really added to the actors’ portrayal of the characters. All of the actors really did a good job performing their parts. I thought that Jean-Pierre Léaud, who played Antoine Doinel, looked very much like a boy who was rebellious and a troublemaker. While Clair Maurier, who played Gilberte Doinel (the mother), gave off the feeling of being selfish and gaudy. René, played by Patrick Auffay, also was well portrayed as childish and fun-loving. Each of these actors or actresses played their parts very well and really seemed to capture the essence of the character they were posing as.

The cinematic element to this film was interesting. It was clearly done very purposefully; however, it didn’t seem to be anything extraordinary. The music was pretty much the same or very similar throughout the entire film. In fact it sounded exactly the same during the opening scene as it did for the last scene. The camera movement was mostly either looking down on something, straight at something, or rolling. Thought the camera was used in a creative way the basics of the filming weren’t anything too grand. The thing that varied most seemed to be the duration of shots. Some shots were quite long, actually most of them were long, but some were fairly short or some middle between the two. This didn’t automatically line up with the importance of the scene. There were quite a few unimportant scenes that lasted for a long time while there were others which were fairly important didn’t last long at all. It apparent that the director had an image in his mind of how things would work and what others thought wasn’t crucial to how things were going to work out.

Personally, I found the 400 Blows to be very different from Black Boy. Though they were both memoirs about a suppressed childhood in which the child was rebellious and not really controlled by the adults in his life, the way the two works were delivered was quite dissimilar. Black Boy was written with a kind of objectiveness to it. The author was looking back on his childhood and reflecting upon his actions. Throughout the work it always felt as though the older Richard was re-experiencing the moments, not experiencing them for the first time. On the other hand, 400 Blows left the impression that you were experiencing the events with Antoine as they were happening to him. Part of this difference may be due to the media chosen to describe the events but I also think that part of it is how the author wanted his audience to view his childhood.

If you are a person who enjoys films which are psychological and have deeper meanings that never see the light, you might enjoy 400 Blows. There are numerous scenes throughout the film that can be interpreted many different ways depending on the viewer. However, if you prefer works which are logical or don’t really make you think, you would probably not like this film. Though one could watch it with merely the entertainment factor in mind there isn’t really enough stuff on the surface to hold onto one’s interest for very long. 400 Blows truly is a film that may be loved or hated depending on the viewer’s very mood at the time.

Works Cited
400 Blows. Dir. François Truffaut. Perf. Jean-Pierre Léaud, Clair Maurier, Albert Rémy, Guy Decomble, Georges Flamant, and Patrick Auffay. Fox Lorber, 1999.

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Post #6 Form B

I admire Jung’s mother a great deal for her strong will and unwavering beliefs. At one point in the book, pp 101-103, Jung’s mother is arrested for being a Communist. When General Chiu told the group that they were unknowledgeable about politics and being used by the communists she shouted back at him. She asked “What mistake have we made?” (101). The General became irritated at this and tried to justify himself but she only shot back, “Our friends died in Tianjin because they had run away from the Communists, on your advice.” (101)
She was then dragged to the prison and “shown around” (101). She saw a man who was tied to a pillar and had bricks placed under his heels making the bones crack and break. She saw another man’s flesh burned with an iron bar. However, no matter what she saw she did not waver or show any sign of fear. Even when she was dragged to a prison cell she refused to write a confession. Despite seeing people around her being tortured and killed she remained strong. To me, that shows a lot of courage on her part and I really respect her for it. Even at the possibility of being shot she kept her dignity and was proud of whom she was and the cause she stood for.
What a brave woman.

Post #5 Form A

Vocab (all definitions found at http://www.dictionary.com/)
Hara-kiri (76): also called seppuku (せっぷく). ceremonial suicide by ripping open the abdomen with a dagger or knife: formerly practiced in Japan by members of the warrior class when disgraced or sentenced to death.
dilettante (82): a person who takes up an are, activity, or subject merely for amusement.
"To try to reassert his superiority, he added: 'Now, have you read Madame Bovary? That's my all-time favorite. I consider it the greatest of Maupassant's works.'
My mother had read Madame Bovary-and she knew it was by Flaubert, not Maupassant. This vain sally put her off Liu in a big way, but she refrained form confronting hm there and then-to do so would have been considered 'shrewish'." (82)
This is an emotional appeal. It appeals to me emotionally because it is humorous and I always love books that have a good dose of humor to them. Though it contains humor it also goes back to the point that there is a proper way to behave, especially for women, during the last part of the quote.
On page 102 Jung writes about a incident when her mother was arrested. Her mother was blindfolded and propped up against a wall next to another prisoner. That prisoner was shot. This was supposed to frighten Jung's mother into writing a confession to being communist but it only fueled her passionate rage against the Kuomintang. This is an emotional appeal because it gives you the feeling of respect for Jung's mother.
"Inflation had risen to the unimaginable figure of just over 100,000 percent by the end of 1947-and it was to go to 2,870,000 percent by the end of 1948 in the Kuomintang areas. The price of sorghum, the main grain available, increased seventyfold overnight in Jinzhou." (107)
This is a logical appeal because it gives hard facts in order to reach and stir emotions in the reader instead of heart bending experiences.
"All over Jinzhou Japanese were committing suicide or being lynched. Japanese houses were looted and my mother noticed that one of her poor neighbors suddenly had quite a lot of valuable items for sale." (76)
When the Japanese lost control of Manchuria they either killed themselves or were the object of revenge by the people of Manchuria. This was a time of quite a bit of chaos in Manchukuo.
Again the theme of this book goes back to women's rights or lack there of and suppression. But it also is starting to form the themes of doing what you believe is right no and to protect those close to you no matter what the cost.

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Post #4 Form B

I want to take this post as an opportunity to express how glad I am that I did not grow up in China during this era. So far nothing about their lives, especially the lives of women, has made me want to live through that time. I hope you don’t mind but I am just going to list some of the examples which strengthen my resolve to not want to live during that era.

“The first coffin contained the body of one of his concubines, who had swallowed opium to accompany him in death. This was considered the height of conjugal loyalty.” (41)
Basically this woman killed herself in order to show her loyalty and subservience to her ‘husband’. I’m sorry but that is so not on my list of goals in life.

“In those days, a woman whose husband had died was superstitiously held responsible for his death. My great-grandfather saw his daughter as bad luck, a threat to his good fortune, and he wanted her out of the house.” (44)
The poor woman’s husband died and because of it her father doesn’t want her around. That’s really unfair to her. She suffers loss and then is hated by her family.

“A Japanese guard had spotted rice in his vomit and he had been arrested as an “economic criminal” and hauled off to a camp. In hi weakened state, he survived only a few days.” (65)
This man was arrested and allowed to die just because he had eaten rice. (The Japanese, who were controlling Manchukuo, had banned the consumption of rice.)

These were just a few examples of why I find this era to be unfair and why I wouldn’t want to live there.

Sunday, September 30, 2007

Post #3 Form A

Vocab (All definitions are from http://www.dictionary.com/)
toadying (44): an obsequious flatterer; sycophant
askance (71): with suspicion, distrust, or disapproval
"The tomb site had been chosen by General Xue himself according to the principles of geomancy. It was in a beautiful, tranquil spot [....] This location expressed the desire to have solid things behind on which to lean-mountains-and the reflection of the glorious sun, symbolizing rising prosperity, in front." (42) I find this to be a logical appeal because it is fairly detached and explains how it was without any sense of connecting to emotionally.
On page 59 Jung uses an emotional appeal. She describes the joy her mother felt in her new life in Manchukuo. She talks about various things that her mother saw that would excite a child such as festivals and holidays.
On page 68 Jung explains how Dr. Xia and Dong saved many innocent lives from being taken in prison. She uses heartstring pulling examples and detailed descriptions to appeal emotionally to the reader.
"When the Japanese began their attack on Manchuria in September 1931, the Young Marshal, Chang Hsueh-liang, was forced to abandon his capital, Mukden, to the Japanese." (55)
During this time peroid Manchukuo was under Japanese control and this dictated alot of how difficult the people's lives were and what they had to endure.
The theme so far seems to mostly revolve around the hardships of living in China during the early to mid 1900s. It's kind of a 'struggle and try to overcome the difficulties' theme.

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Post #2 Form B

“Her restlessness no had no object on which to focus. It became forced into a straitjacket. When occasionally it stretched its limbs she felt so agitated she did not know what to do with herself. Sometimes, she would fall to the floor unconscious. She was to have blackouts like these for the rest of her life.” (Chang 35)
This quote shows how terrible, lonely, and dull the life of Jung Chang’s grandmother, a warlord’s concubine, was. The grandmother spent six years waiting around a near empty house and was confined both mentally and physically to the point where she would have blackouts which would haunt her for the rest of her life. I all too often hear complaints about how overly busy people are, but personally, I would rather have a hectic life full of too many things to do than live a life so dull that I would randomly fall unconscious. Being busy can sometimes seem like too much but there is always an end in sight. Having nothing to do however, is a long and dull existence to which it is hard to find a finish line. Looking at the grandmother’s life like this I find that I have come to truly respect her strength and am glad for the life I have.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Post #1 Form A

Definitions (all definitions are from dictionary.com)
Capricious (22): subject to, led by, or indicative of a caprice or whim
Kowtowed (28): to kneel and touch the forehead to the ground in expression of deep respect, worship, or submission, as formally done in China.
On page 24 Jung Chang describes the process her grandmother went though in having her feet bound. This appeals to the reader emotionally because s/he feels sympathy towards the grandmother after reading about the pain, process, and reason for feet binding.
Side note: Foot binding is a process in which the bones in the foot are repeatedly broken and 'bound' over many years so that the feet never are more than approx. 4 inches long. This causes a lot of pain throughout the rest of a person's life. It also makes balance difficult.
Foot binding came into place because it was believed that small feet were beautiful, and since they were always covered (bound) the idea of only being able to see the feet occasionally was what made it so popular.
On page 34 the author depicts what it was like for the grandmother to live alone in her large house for six years waiting for husband; the boredom, frustration, and hopelessness are all conveyed in an attempt to gain the reader's sympathy. Therefore, this section is an emotional appeal.
On page 39 the reality of the grandmother's situation is made very clear. As a concubine she and her daughter have very few rights and seeing as her 'husband' is dying she fears that the wife of the house will dispose of them. This is a logical appeal because it explains things as they were normally and didn't have as much emotion behind it as some parts of the memoir so far.
"As I listened to my mother, I was overwhelmed by her longing to be understood by me. It also struck me that she would really love me to write." (Chang 15)
This conversation with her mother is what inspires her to write this memoir. Without this the book would have never been written, the thoughts, opinions, and realities never shared, and the voice never heard.
A theme I have found emerging from this book from the very beginning is how women in China had very few rights and many constrictions during the twentieth century.

Sunday, September 16, 2007


I chose my memoir this weekend, it's called Wild Swans: Three Daughters of China by Jung Chang.

Thursday, September 13, 2007


This is really odd for me considering I told myself I would never do this kind of thing. Ugh, blogging. I understand why we do it but that doesn't mean I like it... Bleh!