Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Post #2 Form B

Dear Jeannette Walls,
With a life as busy, spontaneous, and adventurous as yours, did you ever grow tired of it? One moment you were in a trailer park lit aflame while making hot dogs. The next your father is taking you out of the hospital ‘Rex Walls Style’. The next you are in the Blue Goose traveling to yet another unknown destination sleeping under the desert stars along the way. Pain, joy, fear, friendship, love, and loss. All of these things moved by so quickly for you in your childhood. Did you ever just want to stop for a while? Keep to one place and not move around quite as much? Or were you content with your constant change in scenery. Happy with the never-ending excitement, the frequent moves, and spontaneous movements of your family. I’m sure it was all very thrilling. But there must have been times when you felt hurt by your family’s behavior. I know I would have been hurt if “Mom told me she had entered my name in a raffle at a fair, and I’d won a helicopter ride.” and I had asked “When do I get to go on the ride?” with the reply of “Oh, we already did that. It was fun” (13) How did you bear through your oddball family. Or was it just the only thing you knew, or was it your age, or were/are you just a stronger person than I?
A new fan and admirer,

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