Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Post #3 Form A

shiftless (20): lacking in resourcefulness; inefficient; lazy.
sluice (24): an artificial channel for conducting water, often fitted with a gate.
Figurative Language
'thowck' (21) is onomatopoeia because it is a word which sounds like the sound it represents.
"the way the sky at sunset looked like a sheet of fire" (21) is a simile because it is comparing the sky at sunset to a sheet of fire using the word 'like'.
"Sometimes they hit without warning, and other times you knew one was coming when you saw batches of dust devils swirling and dancing their way across the desert." (21) When this sentence says the dust devils were dancing their way across the desert it is personification because dust devils can't really dance. The author is instead applying a human quality to an inanimate thing.
“Dad always fought harder, flew faster, and gambled smarter than everyone else in his stories. Along the way, he rescued women and children and even men who weren’t as strong and clever.” (24)
This quote shows how, as a child, Jeannette was easily convinced of her dad’s heroics. However, now that she is an adult and is looking back on her father’s stories she sees the clear embellishment on her father’s part.
You can get used to anything if you have to.

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